New ingredients of cosmetic filing and registration
In order to standardize the registration and filing management of new cosmetic ingredients and ensure the quality and safety of cosmetics, the National Medical Products Administration has formulated the announcement of the "Regulations on the Administration of New Cosmetic ingredients Registration and Filing Documents" (No. 31 of 2021), which will come into force on May 1, 2021.
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New ingredients definition
1. The new ingredients used in cosmetics for the first time in China are not in the list of used cosmetic ingredients.

2. To adjust the purpose of use and safe use of the  ingredients in the list of currently used cosmetic ingredients, it must be applied by the newingredients registration and filing requirements and can be included in the usable cosmetic  ingredients after approval.

Requirements for new cosmetic ingredients
Data request
1.Basic information 1. Registration or record ofingredients information form
2. Research and
development report
2. Research and development background
3. Basic information of  ingredients
4.ingredients usage information①
5. Function basis data
6. Development of other related materials
3.The preparation process
And quality control standards
7. Brief description of preparation process
8. Stability test data
9. Quality specifications and inspection methods
10. Information on possible safety risk substances and their control
4.Safety evaluation 11.Overview of toxicological safety evaluation
12. Acute oral or acute dermal toxicity test ③
13. Skin and eye irritation/corrosion test
14. Skin allergy test
15. Skin phototoxicity test④
16. Skin photoallergic test ⑤
17. Mutagenicity test
18. Subchronic oral or dermal toxicity test
19. Teratogenic test
20. Chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity combined test
21. Inhalation toxicity test ⑥
22. Long-term human trial safety test
23. Other toxicological tests⑦
24. Safety assessment report
5. Other information 25. Technical requirements for new  ingredients
26. Other materials that may help the registration and filing of new cosmetic ingredients⑦
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